Elysia Nvelope Qube Individual Superb sounding Shelf Equalizer
A box of Trix in dynamic processing and the wizard of transient shaping. With the nvelope 500 installed You will have more instant mojo on your drums, percussion, Guitar and much more and creative control over your audio DNA including equalization. We will promise a handy control of your transients with our haute cuisine in transient shaping. You will not regret.
nvelope 500 is a powerful audio processor capable of making subtle or drastic changes to a sound by providing control over its attack and sustain characteristics. This is extremely useful for reshaping all sorts of individual tones, and is a wonderful tool in any mixing situation as well. Especially drums and other percussive signals will benefit big time from the nvelope’s magic.
nvelope 500 can effectively change the spatial perception of a signal, ranging from small/dry to large/wet. You can form a signal and enhance its cut in the mix without deforming it too much as you would by using excessive EQ and compression.
Full Range Mode
nvelope operates independently of the specific level of a signal, and you do not have to spend a lot of time trying to balance a set of complex controls to quickly get the results you seek.
Full Range mode is especially fast and easy to use, as all you need to do is dial in more or less attack and sustain by turning their specific controllers to the left (reduction) or to the right (increase).
Similar to a compressor and unlike in Dual Band mode, you can use the Freq A controller to reduce the influence of low frequencies on the attack processing (higher frequency = less bass influence).
Dual Band Mode
The attack and sustain parameters become much more flexible by selectively processing a certain frequency range chosen by the user.
The Freq A controller now sets the start frequency for attack processing, while the Freq S controller determines the end frequency for sustain processing. The function of the Attack and Sustain controllers remains the same as in Full Range mode.
So it is pretty likely you’ll find yourself using the Dual Band mode in any situation where you would like to adapt the way the nvelope processes more individually and on material which tends to produce unwanted artifacts in Full Range mode.
EQ Mode
A very nice side effect of the topology of nvelope is that it can also be used as a shelving filter. This is achieved by temporarily deactivating its dynamics sections while keeping the filter stages active.
Freq A now sets the frequency of the high shelf filter, while Attack determines the amount of cut (turn left) or boost (turn right) in this band. Similarly, Freq S sets the frequency of the low shelf filter and Sustain determines the amount of cut or boost.
The two channels be used as two separate equalizers at the same time, or be linked together for processing stereo material as well.
Mixed Mode
nvelope has two channels of Full Range or Dual Band impulse shaper or shelving EQ, which can be operated stereo linked or dual mono.
But, the two separate channels can also be used for different tasks at the same time. For example, you can shape one signal in Dual Band mode in channel L and a completely different signal in Full Range mode in channel R.
Or, you can connect the output of channel L to the input of channel R, and then process the frequency response of one single signal with the EQ first, followed by some nice Dual Band impulse shaping.
There are lots of possible combinations.
Auto Gain
Boosting the attack in Full Range mode can sometimes result in some pretty huge level peaks. These can make your processed signal sound uneven, and in the worst case they will create the nasty kind of distortion you don’t want.
nvelope solves this with the Auto Gain function. This simple button makes the impulse shaper automatically compensate stronger level peaks, so this can be the solution for many level-related issues caused by the attack processing.
Auto Gain is typically not needed in Dual Band or EQ operation and therefore not offered in this mode.
Dual Mono or Stereo Link
The header says it all, but you might want to have a look at the possible channel combinations resulting from this. Ultimate flexibility!
Stereo Link:
- 2 x Full Range, 2 x Dual Band, 2 x EQ
Dual Mono:
- Full Range – Full Range, Full Range – Dual Band, Full Range – EQ
- Dual Band – Full Range, Dual Band – Dual Band, Dual Band – EQ, EQ – Full Range, EQ – Dual Band, EQ – EQ