Weiss DS1-MK3 Upgraded from Sterling (Used)
Weiss DS1-MK3, the reference when it comes to digital mastering Compressors and De-Essers. An extremely versatile single band limiter/compressor with M/S mode and Parallel Compression facilities.
The Weiss 102 Series split band De-Esser was one of the mastering industry’s most highly praised digital product. With the DS1-MK3 the Weiss engineers have taken their de-esser design and combined it with the best features of the time proven 102 Series Dynamics Processors. The result is a stand alone digital Dynamics Processor with unparalleled performance and sonic integrity.
In de-esser mode the compression band is selectable as a lowpass, bandpass or highpass and extends the functionality beyond de-essing. The crossover filters are linear phase for the highest sonic quality. The full band dynamics processor with soft knee compressor and hard limiter is ideal for program loudness control.
“The sound of the DS1-MK3 is impeccable. It is the most transparent, refined, flexible and least ‘digital sounding’ dynamics processor I have ever used. It is indispensable; I use it on over 90 percent of my mastering projects.”
Bob Katz, Digital Domain, USA