
Allen & Heath AR84 I/O Expander for GLD/SQ/QU/Avantis Mixers


The Allen & Heath GLD-AR84 is an Expander AudioRack for the company’s GLD, SQ, Qu, and Avantis digital mixing systems. The AR84 adds 8 XLR inputs and 4 XLR outputs to the GLD system. You can add up to two GLD-AR84s to your system, connected to the GLD-AR2412 main AudioRack (and/or directly to your GLD-80 mixer).

Allen & Heath AR84 I/O Expander for GLD/SQ/QU/Avantis Mixers
Allen & Heath AR84 I/O Expander for GLD/SQ/QU/Avantis Mixers


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